Photo-conductive atomic force microscopy
Optoelectronic measurements are usually performed by the measurement of I/V curves with an external light focused on a sample under investigation. The light with the energy exceeding the electronic band gap of the sample, excites electrons from valence to conductive band resulting in an increased conductivity. When there is an externally applied electric field (bias voltage) along the sample surface, the photo-generated electron-hole pairs are transferred to opposite sides and finally injected into external electrical contacts. In this way, the photo-generated charge carriers establish a photocurrent. Usually, photocurrents are measured macroscopically, between two electrical contacts patterned on the sample surface. Still, in order to fully elucidate optoelectronic properties of nanostructures, it is highly desirable to correlate their local morphology and photocurrents. For that purpose, atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a natural choice since the well established conductive AFM (C-AFM) technique enables simultaneous measurements of the sample morphology in contact mode and electrical currents. In order to extend capabilities of standard C-AFM towards measurements of photocurrents, it is necessary to couple external light sources with AFM and to focus the external light onto the tip-sample contact area. Here we describe the upgrade of the standard C-AFM setup of our NTEGRA system to photoconductive AFM (PC-AFM) by coupling external lasers [1, 2] to the optical components of our NTEGRA system.
Optical components of the initial AFM setup are depicted in Fig. 1(b). The optical path is defined by three mirrors (mirror1-3). In order to provide photo-assisted AFM measurements, on the input part displayed in Fig. 1(c), we put the laser with a manual beam shutter. At the output part depicted in Fig. 1(a), in order to efficiently focus the input laser, we added an objective with a large working distance. Since the objective has to be removable, the platform with the objective can be both translated and rotated. This property is very important since it enables easy handling of the AFM system. When it is necessary to remove AFM head, place a new sample, and/or exchange AFM probes, the stage with objective should be just rotated in the backward direction.

Figure 1. (a) Output part of the system (moveable arm holding the objective), (b) optical components installed in the initial AFM system (three mirrors), (c) input part of the setup (laser diode with a beam shutter).
The results for test measurements of I/V curves are presented in Fig. 2. Two-dimensional maps of I/V curves measured in forward (voltage sweep from -10 V to +10 V) and backward (voltage sweep from +10 V to -10 V) directions are depicted in Fig. 5(a). Brighter (darker) color stands for higher (lower) current intensity. The maps clearly display zones with higher current which correspond to I/V curves measured with laser switched on, and zones with lower current which correspond to I/V curves measured with laser switched off. Typical I/V curves for both cases are given in Fig. 2(b). Difference between two cases is obvious. For 10 V, the current difference is around 8 nA. This value corresponds to the photocurrent generated by the input laser. The results for the current switching in real time are presented in Fig. 2(c). As can be seen, the graph clearly illustrates low current for laser switched off and high current for laser switched on.

Figure 2. (a) Two-dimensional current maps measured with the external green laser switched-off and on. (b) Representative I/V curves for two cases. (c) Current switching in real time.
[1] A. Fejfar, M. Hyvl, M. Ledinsky, A. Vetushka, J. Stuchlik, J. Kočka, S. Misra, B. O’Donnell, M. Foldyna, L. Yu, P. R. Cabarros, “Microscopic measurements of variations in local (photo)electronic properties in nanostructured solar cells ” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 119, 228 (2013).
[2] I. Beinik, M. Kratzer, A. Wachauer, L. Wang, Y. P. Piryatinski, G. Brauer, X. Y. Chen, Y.F. Hsu, A. B. Djurišić, and C. Teichert, “Photoresponse from single upright-standing ZnO nanorods explored by photoconductive AFM” Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 4, 208 (2013).